Margaret Baird Bell

On 13th February 2018, suddenly in hospital. Margaret aged 59 years. A much loved mum, gran, sister, auntie and friend of many. Funeral service at Pleasington Crematorium on Wednesday, 21st February at 3.45 p.m. Flowers will be received at the Chapel of Rest or if preferred donations may be sent for COPD c/o Ainsworth’s Funeral Service, Church Bank Street, Darwen. BB3 3HA. Tel 01254 873290
On 13th February 2018, suddenly in hospital. Margaret aged 59 years. A much loved mum, gran, sister, auntie and friend of many. Funeral service at Pleasington Crematorium on Wednesday, 21st February at 3.45 p.m. Flowers will be received at the Chapel of Rest or if preferred donations may be sent for COPD c/o Ainsworth’s Funeral Service, Church Bank Street, Darwen. BB3 3HA. Tel 01254 873290